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Elections To The Trust Board

Elections To The Trust Board

As we approach the end of the first full  season under new ownership, it’s fair to say that change is happening both on and off the field, and it is a great time to be Newcastle United supporter.

Off the field, following years of being ignored by the previous owner, establishing a new club infrastructure has resulted in improved engagement between the club and supporters.

We are pleased to say that the Trust has been delighted to play its part, and is now in regular contact with the club through Sarah Medcalf, Head of Supporter Services, who attended our AGM in January 2023. We were also pleased to learn of the appointment of Matt Willis as the club’s new dedicated Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO), it is a huge step forward  that the club now has a dedicated SLO in place.

The Trust looks forward to working further with Matt and Sarah in the coming months as the Trust Board look forward to a new era of fan engagement, and the forthcoming Fan Advisory Board.

As members will know, the Trust rules require elections to the Trust  board on a yearly basis. This gives an opportunity for members to step forward and take a greater role in shaping the Trust’s future by standing for election to the Trust Board. It also offers members who do not wish to stand for the Board, an opportunity to vote for those they feel better able to take on the role of Board member.

The Board have decided that given the changes in both ownership and personnel within the clubs Infrastructure, rather than wait until the end of 2023 when the elections to Board have normally taken place, it would be an opportune time to refresh the Trust Board and to begin the election process at an early stage to ensure new Board members are in place prior to the start the 2023/4 season. 

A number of Board members will be stepping down or have stepped down, and as a result this year there are 6 positions open to members to join the Board.

Each appointment will be for a period of 3 years. We would strongly encourage members to get involved by either standing for election or choosing their preferred candidates.

Alex Hurst  will be stepping down from the Trust Board, while Charlotte Robson will not be seeking re-election at the end of her term. Lee Forster and Adam Beckett have also stepped down. The Trust would like to place on record its thanks to Alex, Charlotte, Lee and Adam for their numerous years of service to the Trust.

With that in mind please see details of the election process below. The elections will be run under the control of an Election Management Group which will be Chaired by Andy Walsh the Football Supporter Association’s Head of National Game and Community Ownership. The other member of the Group will be former Trust board member, and current Trust Secretary, Colin Whittle.

Election Timetable

Period: 15th May 2023 to 28th May 2023

Members to register their interest in standing for a position on the NUST Board by downloading a nomination form here to be completed and returned together with a statement in support of their nomination (which should be electronic typed not hand written) and be between 400 and 1000 words, to the Independent Chair of the Election Management Group, Andy Walsh at [email protected]

You can find a Statement Template here.

If by the close of the nomination period, there are nominations equal to or less than the number of vacancies then these will be presented to the NUST Board for an affirmation vote for those nominated to become Board members. Should there be more nominations than vacancies then there will be a contested election where the nominees are subject to the votes of the membership.

Period: 29th May 2023 to 11th June 2023

Candidate information (nomination form and statement in support) to be sent to members and be available on the NUST website for members to view and vote, should a contested election be required.

Members to vote for their preferred candidates (further details in respect of this process to follow).

Period: w/c 12th June 2023 

NUST Board to receive the election results from the Election Management Group and announce the results of the election .

You can find our election policy here

For further enquiries regarding the election process please feel free to contact the Independent Chair of the Elections Management Group Andy Walsh by email [email protected]

Why join the Board? Want more information about what it entails? Please find further information about joining the Trust board here.


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