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Minutes from the NUST Annual General Meeting - Wednesday February 28th 2024

Newcastle United Supporters Trust  Annual General Meeting Minutes

The NUST AGM took place on Wednesday 28th February 2024. You can find our minutes below:
Board Members present: Greg Tomlinson (GT) (Chair), Cliff Culley (CC), Pete Davey (PD), Paul Karter (PK), Lisa Mole (LM), Kevin Patterson (KP), Charlotte Robson (CR), Adam Stoker (AS), Olivia Thomson (OT), Felicity Thow (FT)
Colin Whittle (CW)  - NUST Secretary
38 members were in attendance.
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from 18 NUST members who were unable to attend in person. 
2.Welcome and Introductions
GT welcomed members to the NUST AGM and thanked everyone for attending. NUFC were also thanked for agreeing to host the meeting with several NUFC representatives in attendance to talk with members post-AGM.   
3. Chair's Update
GT gave the Chair's statement and highlighted several areas of NUST activities during the year, in particular relating to member surveys (the key findings of which have been reported to NUFC,) challenges relating to ticketing, the establishment of the FAB which includes representation from NUST (PK and AS) and NUST's community work (involving The Alan Shearer Foundation, Newcastle United Foundation, the Newcastle Foodbank and the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation). After a period of six years as a Board member (including two periods as Chair,) GT confirmed that he was standing down from his role as Board member and Chair. GT also thanked CR for her contribution now her tenure as a Board member has expired. You can read the full update here.

4.Treasurer's Report
CC presented a resolution to disapply the statutory audit requirements of the NUST accounts and explained to members that given the Pledge Scheme funds have now been distributed to the chosen charities, NUST auditors had advised that a full audit of accounts was no longer necessary given the now much reduced funds in the NUST accounts. Full accounts would still be produced by independent accountants and available to members, but by not entering a full formal audit, this will save a significant amount of membership fee money. Members unanimously to approve the resolution. CC then presented the accounts, which had been prepared by Consult 48 Ltd, an independent Chartered Accountant based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, taking members through the main points contained therein.
You can read our annual accounts and resolution proposal here.

5. NUST Election Results
GT explained to members the NUST election process and confirmed that an election had been accelerated following last year’s AGM and had subsequently taken place in June 2023. Andy Walsh from the Football Supporters Association had been appointed to be the Independent Chair of the Election Committee to oversee the process. CW, as a current NUST member (but not a Board member), served as an additional member of the election committee. Six Board vacancies were available, with a total of 13 applications received. 
The six successful candidates were Pete Davey (PD), Felicity Thow (FT), Lisa Mole (LM), Kevin Patterson (KP), Adam Stoker (AS), and Olivia Thomson (OT) who, since the election had been serving as co-opted Board members but required formal AGM approval for their appointments. 
Members voted unanimously to approve the appointments. As a reminder, you can see our election results here.

6. Member Resolutions
There were no member resolutions submitted to the meeting.
7. Any Other Business
Matt Willis, NUFC Supporter Liaison Officer spoke to members about his role at NUFC, explaining that he worked in the Supporter Services Department, was available to assist supporters with their match day experience and any queries they may have in relation to both home and away fixtures. He confirmed that he had developed a close relation with NUST and was available to chat to members post-AGM.
Bill Corcoran from NUFC Foodbank outlined to members the work that had been undertaken by Newcastle Foodbank in relation to their ‘pantry project’ thanks to the donation that had been made through the Pledge Scheme, which had enabled the Foodbank to purchase two vans.

You can find a selection of photos taken on the night below:

nust banner

agm directions

greg 3

bill corcoran

matty w 2

room 1

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